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Terra Ambera 2022 POP Bio Terra Ambera 2022 POP Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato Alexandrias
Tropische Früchte ,Mandarinen,-schale-blüte, Aprikose, Quitte, Rose, Hefe ,Brioche,Karamell, Honig trocken.Pure,authentische Klasse
17,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (23,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Orivatis The Wild Mountaineer weiß Old Vines 2020 Orivatis The Wild Mountaineer weiß Old Vines 2020 Akriotou Microwinery
Rebsorte(n): Savatiano
Zitrusfrüchte, Aprikose, Apfel, Quitte, Blüten, Kräuter., mineralisch, Brioche. Pur,frisch, voll Finesse
17,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (23,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Satyros rot 2022 Bio Satyros rot 2022 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Cabernet Sauvignon
schwarze Johannisbeere, Brombeere, Weichsel, grüner Pfeffer, Vanille, Leder. Jugendlich, kräftig, vielversprechend
16,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (22,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Roditoactive 2021 Bio Roditoactive 2021 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Roditis
Mandarinen(blüten), Rooibostee, Kräuter, Quitte, Sherry, Vanille,Honig, karamelisierte Aprikose, Sauerteig, Hefenote. Kanditat für Legende
23,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (31,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Terra Ambera Deep Skin 2023 POP Bio Terra Ambera Deep Skin 2023 POP Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato Alexandrias
Mandarine, Orange, Litschi, Bergtee, Mostbirne,Kitro, Blüten, Aprikose, Brioche, Aprikosenlikör, Brilliant,faszinierender Orange
20,60 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (27,47 € * / 1 Liter)
Patistis Assyrtiko Barrel Fermented 2023 Bio Patistis Assyrtiko Barrel Fermented 2023 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Assyrtiko
Mostapfel , Zitrus(schale), Quitte,Ringlotte, weiße Blüten, mineralisch-salzig, Hefe.Fulminanter Natural-Assyrtikio
16,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (22,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Patistis Rosé 2023 Bio Patistis Rosé 2023 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato mavro, Xinomavro
rote Waldbeeren, Tomate, Blutorange, Kräuter, Erdbeerkonfit, zart prickelnd, Vibrierend funky with a twist
15,30 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (20,40 € * / 1 Liter)
Mylonas Savatiano Naked Truth 2023 Mylonas Savatiano Naked Truth 2023 Mylonas
Rebsorte(n): Savatiano
Mandarine, Orange, Birnenmost, Aprikose, Tee, geröstete Banane, mineralisch Jugendlich, pur,orange
15,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (21,20 € * / 1 Liter)
Terra Roza 2022  Bio Terra Roza 2022 Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Limnio, Moschato Alexandrias
rote Waldbeere,Quitte,Orange, Mandarine,Weichsel, Litschi ,Rose, mineralisch-salzig, Moos.Exzellenter Natural Rosé,Essenz von Vulkan und Meer
19,30 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (25,73 € * / 1 Liter)
Ceramica 2022 POP Bio Ceramica 2022 POP Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato Alexandrias
Mandarine, Orange,Litschi, Hollunderblüte, Bergtee,Kräuter, Hefe,mineralisch, erdig,Karamell. Authentischer Amphoren-Orangewein der Spitzenklasse,
25,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (34,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Pet Nat Mylonas Pet Nat Mylonas Mylonas
Rebsorte(n): Savatiano
Zitrus, Zitrusblüten, Mostbirne, Banane, Sauerteig, würzig, mineralisch. Spannend, belebend, rar    
19,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (26,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Agiorgitiko nature 2022 Bio Agiorgitiko nature 2022 Bio Tetramythos
Rebsorte(n): Agiorgitiko
Kirsche, Brombeere, Pflaume, Waldbeeren, Cranberrie, Veilchen, Kräuter .Saftig, leichtfüssig,genial
14,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (19,87 € * / 1 Liter)
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Limnio Short Skin 2023 POP Bio Limnio Short Skin 2023 POP Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Limnio
20,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (27,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Erimitis rot 2020 Erimitis rot 2020 Akriotou Microwinery
Rebsorte(n): Liatiko, Syrah, Vradiano
20,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (27,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Orivatis The Wild Mountanieer rot 2022 Orivatis The Wild Mountanieer rot 2022 Akriotou Microwinery
Rebsorte(n): Mandilaria, Vradiano
24,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (33,20 € * / 1 Liter)
Kamara Hill Xinomavro Single Vineyard 2021 Bio Kamara Hill Xinomavro Single Vineyard 2021 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Xinomavro
33,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (45,20 € * / 1 Liter)
Methymnaeos orange 2022  Bio Methymnaeos orange 2022 Bio Methymnaeos
Rebsorte(n): Chidiriotiko
19,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (26,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Liatiko indigenous yeasts 2019 Liatiko indigenous yeasts 2019 Karavitakis
Rebsorte(n): Liatiko
49,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (66,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Retsinalism Bio Retsinalism Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Assyrtiko
29,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (39,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Matzaraki Single Vineyard Assyrtiko 2021 Bio Matzaraki Single Vineyard Assyrtiko 2021 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Assyrtiko
35,00 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (46,67 € * / 1 Liter)
Garalis Retsina of Lemnos Rosé Bio Garalis Retsina of Lemnos Rosé Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Limnio, Moschato Alexandrias
10,50 € * 9,90 € *
Inhalt 0.5 Liter (19,80 € * / 1 Liter)
Rapsani 2019 POP Konstantinos Liapis Rapsani 2019 POP Konstantinos Liapis Konstantinos Liapis-Terra Olympus Winery
Rebsorte(n): Krasato, Stavroto, Xinomavro
18,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (25,20 € * / 1 Liter)
Blanc de Noir Non Vintage Xinomavro Assyrtiko Bio Blanc de Noir Non Vintage Xinomavro Assyrtiko Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Assyrtiko, Xinomavro
ab 14,70 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (19,60 € * / 1 Liter)
Kamara Hill Xinomavro Single Vineyard 2020 Bio Kamara Hill Xinomavro Single Vineyard 2020 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Xinomavro
33,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (45,20 € * / 1 Liter)
Terra Ambera 2022 POP Bio Terra Ambera 2022 POP Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato Alexandrias
17,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (23,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Orivatis The Wild Mountaineer weiß Old Vines 2020 Orivatis The Wild Mountaineer weiß Old Vines 2020 Akriotou Microwinery
Rebsorte(n): Savatiano
17,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (23,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Satyros rot 2022 Bio Satyros rot 2022 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Cabernet Sauvignon
16,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (22,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Roditoactive 2021 Bio Roditoactive 2021 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Roditis
23,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (31,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Terra Ambera Deep Skin 2023 POP Bio Terra Ambera Deep Skin 2023 POP Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato Alexandrias
20,60 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (27,47 € * / 1 Liter)
Patistis Assyrtiko Barrel Fermented 2023 Bio Patistis Assyrtiko Barrel Fermented 2023 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Assyrtiko
16,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (22,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Patistis Rosé 2023 Bio Patistis Rosé 2023 Bio Patistis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato mavro, Xinomavro
15,30 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (20,40 € * / 1 Liter)
Mylonas Savatiano Naked Truth 2023 Mylonas Savatiano Naked Truth 2023 Mylonas
Rebsorte(n): Savatiano
15,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (21,20 € * / 1 Liter)
Terra Roza 2022  Bio Terra Roza 2022 Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Limnio, Moschato Alexandrias
19,30 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (25,73 € * / 1 Liter)
Ceramica 2022 POP Bio Ceramica 2022 POP Bio Garalis
Rebsorte(n): Moschato Alexandrias
25,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (34,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Pet Nat Mylonas Pet Nat Mylonas Mylonas
Rebsorte(n): Savatiano
19,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (26,53 € * / 1 Liter)
Agiorgitiko nature 2022 Bio Agiorgitiko nature 2022 Bio Tetramythos
Rebsorte(n): Agiorgitiko
14,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (19,87 € * / 1 Liter)
Xinomavro Naoussa Oenos Nature 2019 POP Xinomavro Naoussa Oenos Nature 2019 POP Apostolos Thymiopoulos-Oenos Nature
Rebsorte(n): Xinomavro
18,90 € *
Inhalt 0.75 Liter (25,20 € * / 1 Liter)
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